Ready to Help?
1. Purchase a Bible = $3
2. Purchase a solar powered audio Bible = $12
3. Care for an orphan = $50 a year
4. Help feed a refugee family = $200
5. Support a worker and his family = $250 month
6. Translate discipleship material into native languages = $500
7. Help provide medical equipment = $750
8. Purchase a motorbike for a worker = $1200
9. Help sponsor pastoral training = $3000
10. Help expand work into new pioneer fields = $5000
11. Build a House of Worship = $7500
12. Commit to pray for one of the unreached and unengaged people groups = PRICELESS
Your gift is 100% Tax deductible (GlobeWorks is a registered 501 (c)3 non-profit ministry).
Funds are “Designated” by YOU to the region, project, or staff worker of your choice.